21st Century Middle-aged Youth Performance and Effectiveness in the Church Administration and Society - A case study of Christ Apostolic Church Youth Fellowship (CACYOF)
Dearly beloved,
Your input and brutally honest opinions will be highly appreciated on the following questions in relation to middle-aged youth that fall within ages 20 to 39.

Please note that your opinion will strictly be treated as confidential and only for this report alone.

This questionnaire is looking on the kinds of the strategy to adopt and put in place to enhance good performance of the Youth Fellowship in retaining and promoting the effectiveness of youth in the church administration and society in this 21st century.

Also, the objective is to use holistic operational system in securing glorious future for the fellowship and preserving the legacies and Christian values embraced and promoted by our founding fathers.

The following age groups are assumed to be middle-aged youth – (a) 20 – 25; (b) 26 – 30; & (c) 31 – 39.

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What is your gender? *
What is your marital status? *
Please choose one that best describes you *
Kindly state your highest level of education *
Country of residence *
State of Residence *
If you reside outside Nigeria, please specify your County/State/Province or Borough
Region *
Select your age-group *
Can you state a few of the challenges being faced by your age-group?
If you chose "others" above, kindly mention them below
In what ways do you feel these middle-aged youths exit the fellowship? (Please select as many as you think is relevant) *
If you feel there are other reasons not captured above, kindly state them here.
How do you think the youth office can help your local youth leader in ensuring s/he addresses your needs? *
If you chose "others" above, kindly state how the youth office can further help your local assembly leadership
Kindly suggest youth empowerment programs that should be organized for these age groups
How do we bridge the gap between the local church and the youth fellowship? *
If you chose "others" above, kindly give more details
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