Fall Equinox Firm Expo Pre-Assessment
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Are you a digital course or content creator? *
Are you an educator? *
Done With You and Done For You Services

Do you need help CREATING, DEVELOPING, or DELIVERING your content?

What do you need to ensure your audience obtains while you are delivering your course content?


During your courses what assignments do you give your audience?


What techniques do you use for information recall, content clarity, and checking for understanding during content delivery?


What is the typical flow of your course/class/presentation?


Are there norms and/or objectives identified? 


Does your content /course meet those norms and/or objectives?


How do you measure if your course meets its intended objectives?


Do you know the learning styles of your audience (auditory, visual, kinesthetic)?  Do you meet their learning needs in your course?

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Last Name *
Company Name
Position or Title
Phone Number *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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