Fulcrum Scholarship Application
To help combat systemic racism (and sexism, and other 'isms that make it harder for diverse founders to access capital), and general inequality we offer partial scholarships to the Fundraising Mastery program for diverse and/or student founders.

To apply for these scholarships which range from 10-30% of the program fee please fill out the form below.

Important dates:
Scholarships awarded: Rolling Basis
Start date next cohort: Sep 2023

Scholarships are awarded on a first-come/first-serve basis subject to space available.

Fulcrum Venture Accelerator is an anti-racist and anti-sexist organization. Please let us know if you have input on how we can be part of the solution.

Questions and feedback can be directed to our Program Director at team@fulcrumventureaccelerator.com.
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Your Name: *
Your Company Name: *
Company URL: *
Do you consider yourself a founder of color? *
Your gender *
Are you a student? *
What is the mission of your company?: *
How much are you currently raising? *
How much have you raised already? *
Please describe your financial situation as scholarships are awarded partly on the basis of need: *
If awarded a scholarship do you intend to participate in the program launching July 2023? *
Please tell us about your situation and why you think you should be awarded a scholarship.
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