Before School Supervision Program

Please note we will be offering a before school supervision program for families that are interested.  Students will be supervised by a teacher from 7:20 a.m. - 8:20 a.m.  At that time, students would join the rest of the students in the gym/cafe.  Parents will be responsible for transporting their child to school each day.

The program fee is $85.00 per quarter (which equates to about $2.00 per day).  The fee needs to be paid prior to the quarter starting.  There will be no refund if a student does not attend on any given day.  Students that are continued disruptions, may be removed from the program.

If there is not enough interest in the program, we may not be able to offer this to families.  Sixth grade students will be given priority if spots become limited.  Those that sign up first will be granted the first opportunity to participate.
Friday, August 9th is deadline for sign up.  The supervision program will begin Thursday, August 15th and continue throughout the year on all student attendance days.
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