Keys to Kindness
This club is only open to students in Grades 4-6.To apply for this club, please complete and submit this form by 3:00pm on Friday, September 25th, 2020. No late applications will be accepted after this deadline.

This application serves as a permission form for your child to participate in this club. By filling out and submitting this form, you agree to allow your child to participate in this virtual club. The club will meet via Zoom from 3:00-3:45pm on the following dates: 10/6, 11/10, 12/1, 1/5, 2/2, 3/2, 4/13, 5/4

Please note that this club has a maximum capacity of 20 students. Students will be chosen randomly should there be more than 20 students that apply. I will notify you via email of acceptance and any additional club information. Upon acceptance into the club, it is very important that your child attend club sessions.

-Mrs. Vazquez 

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Adresse e-mail *
I verify the email address entered above is correct. *
Best phone number to contact me: *
My child's first and last name: *
My child's homeroom teacher: *
My child's grade level: *
Please list any clubs you have previously participated in or plan on participating in this school year: *
Une copie de vos réponses sera envoyée par e-mail à l'adresse indiquée.
Effacer le formulaire
N'envoyez jamais de mots de passe via Google Forms.
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