Athens LHMP Public Survey 
The Town of Athens and the Windham Regional Commission (WRC) are working together to update the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan.  Answering this four question survey will assist the planning group with understanding the hazards of most concern to residents and will help prioritize hazards for mitigation action.
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What Hazards Have You Experienced in Athens?
How concerned are you about the following hazards? *
Not concerned
Mildly concerned
Very concerned
Fluvial Erosion
Extreme Cold
Heavy Snow
Ice Accumulation
Extreme Heat
Invasive Species
Infectious Disease Outbreak
Can you think of any specific actions that the town might be able to take that would help lesson the damage from a future natural hazard?
Where in town have you seen damage from a natural disaster? (Which hazard, when did it occur, and where in town was the damage?)
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