Registration form "Youth Entrepreneurship Academy"
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Email *
Your name? *
Your surname? *
Country? *
Your gender? *
What is your phone number (+385-95-xxx-xxxx)? *
Who we can contact in case of emergency? *
Phone number of person who we can contact in case of emergency? *
Your date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)? *
What is your place of birth (city and country)? *
Type of your document (one which you will use for traveling) *
Number of your document (one which you will use for traveling) *
Your travel plan and cost of the tickets (detailed: for example: Bari - Rome xxx €, Rome - Zagreb xxx €, Zagreb - Djakovo xxx €) *
Your arrival time to Djakovo on 5. November 2019.? *
Your departure time from Djakovo on 14. November 2019.? *
Do you have any allergy for which we should know about? *
Do you have any special diet need about which we should know? *
Do you have any other comments or needs? *
The organization - project coordinator C:E:T platforma Croatia from Djakovo, Croatia registered under No. 14003817 takes care of protecting your personal information and privacy and takes all necessary organizational and technical measures to ensure that your personal information and privacy are protected.By entering the information below, you give your consent to the organization - project coordinator to process it for the purpose of implementing the Project "Youth Entrepreneurship Academy" under number 2019-1-HR01-KA105-060614. The personal data are collected and processed solely for this purpose.At any time you are entitled to access and correct your personal information, as well as to deletion, transfer and objection.We regard your personal information as a professional secret and we protect it in accordance with applicable legal regulations (international, European and national) and best practices.Note: You can withdraw your personal data approval at any time by contacting us via the email address you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email: *
I am ready to participate in all phases of the project, including preparation phase, participation in the main activitiy and dissemination phase of the project. Reimbursement of travel costs will be refunded after submition of Individual participants report and after full attendance in all phases of the project. *
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