Hello Highline Student!  

Many courses at Highline have placement prerequisites for reading and mathematics ability.  The goal of placement is to assess skills to ensure students are able to successfully engage with course content, and have the best chances at passing the course.  We believe that tests are not the only way to assess skills and ability and have a variety of ways to determine the best English and/or math course for you.

This form is intended to inform you about the English and math placement options at Highline, so that you can determine what option is best for you. You will also learn the next steps for getting your English or math placement.  

Answer the questions below to determine what assessment measure is best for you.  
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What is your first and last name? *
Are you applying for Running Start?   *
Running Start is a dual credit program for high school juniors and seniors to enroll in college-level classes tuition-free.  **This is only available to students in high school.  If you are not in high school, click NO below.
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