Data Science Institute Affiliated Faculty
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Primary Department *
School *
Why do you want to be affiliated?
Please briefly describe your connection to data science and what you hope to get out of the affiliation.
Which institute service activities are you interested in being involved in?
Your selection is just an interest, not a final commitment. Further details will be communicated as initiatives are up and running.
Website Details - title
If you are affiliated, how would you like to be listed on the DSI website (i.e., title, primary academic unit)?
Website Details - link
If you are affiliated, please provide a website link to associate with your name on the DSI website.
Website Details - blurb
If you are affiliated, please describe (in 3-5 sentences) your research interests, current projects and how data will be used to enhance these. These details will be helpful for attracting potential post-docs and Master's students.
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