Discovery Study Sign-Up Form
Want a chance to win a $50 giftcard? Fill out the form below to take part in our discovery study!

The library wants to know how you discover material through our website. For this study, you'll meet with a library staff member for a recorded 15-minute meeting and walk through a simple task on our website, like finding a book or journal article.

These meetings will be recorded. During the recording, you will be sharing your screen but are free to turn your video off. The recordings will be accessible only to the project team and will be saved for only as long as the project lasts. They will not be distributed or shared for anything outside of this project on user experience.

By submitting this form you agree to take part in this study and have the meeting recorded.

If you have any questions, reach out to Kendra (

Once we receive your form, you’ll get an email to set up an official appointment.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
School *
Number of years at the Claremont Colleges *
Not available during any of the proposed times? Please indicate what time(s) you’d be available to meet and a library staffer will follow up with you.
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