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/r/Neocentrism Demographic Survey
88 responses
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How old are you
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What is your gender identity?
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What is your sexual orientation?
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What is your level of education?
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What is your level of income (USD)?
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Relationship status
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What is your religion?
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What is your race?
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What country do you live in?
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I would say my career field/degree field is closest to being in:
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What is your primary area of residence
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I would consider myself to be overall
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I would consider myself to be socially
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I would consider myself to be economically
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Do you consider yourself "woke"
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Do you watch anime (or consume manga LNs or any other weeb material)
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Are you a gamer
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How did you find /r/Neocentrism
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Will Soi's crush actually wait for him?
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Who is your favorite /r/Neocentrism moderator
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Do you support OJ Simpson
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