European Money Week 2024: A decade of boosting Europe’s financial education  (ONLINE)
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In 2015, the European Banking Federation (EBF) launched the European Money Week, leading in promoting financial education across Europes. A decade later, we find ourselves in a very different landscape, where technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and digital finance add layers of complexity while presenting both challenges and opportunities.

Against this backdrop, the 2024 European Money Week kicks off with a timely examination of Europe's financial literacy landscape in the crucial lead-up to European elections. A great line-up of panels will delve into the intertwined threads of digital skills and financial awareness, with a focus on the latest trends and strategies to empower citizens.

On March 19, join us online to hear from the leading voices in policy, academia, and the industry as they discuss where we are and what’s next for financial education in Europe. Do not miss the chance to build a more financially empowered future.

Click here to see the event's agenda.

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