GM Submission for Scheduled RPG Games
As you plan what days you'd like to run an RPG at Mimic's, please look over our calendar page to avoid a time where multiple events may over-crowd our limited seating. Other RPG games are listed in lime green. While we can schedule multiple concurrent RPG games, it is possible that they may split the total player pool and result in low turnout.

If you are looking to schedule a Morsels game, please read the explanation for the Mimic's Morsels program. Game Masters earn 2 tokens by default and an additional token for number of players over 3. Games with only one player cannot get Morsel rewards.
We expect GMs make Morsels games accessible to newcomers to tabletop role-playing and offer simple pre-generated characters.

We do our best promoting these games but cannot ensure that the required number of players attend. We ask for GMs to help spread the word of the game through their social circles to encourage players to attend.

We also ask that as many players as possible register in advance on the events booking on our website. We will do our best to alert GMs 24 hours in advance if too few players have registered and there is a risk that the game will not be sufficiently attended.
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Morsels Game or Free Game?
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GM and Contact Info (Discord handle, email, etc. This will be on posting)
Tell us about the game (what system, genre, tone, age range, etc)
Player Limit
Requested date and time. (Best start times are ~6pm.)
Any Additional Info: requests, accommodations, etc
Please write a little blurb describing the game! This will go on event listings.
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