Sign up to receive updates on upcoming opportunities with SAMRU's student representatives!
Later this summer, the SAMRU Representation Executive Council (REC) will be looking for students to fill volunteer and part-time staff roles to assist the SAMRU REC team with their work in the 2023-24 academic year. (Learn more about REC's work at 

We've created this form to collect a list of students who are interested in this type of work and would like to learn more about opportunities to get involved.
Fill out this form to receive more information on these exciting, resumé building opportunities. Recruitment will begin later this summer.

2023-24 REC Ambassador Volunteer Roles:

1. General Faculties Council Ambassador: Be part of a team of students representing student interests and issues on academic policy and direction within Mount Royal University.

2. Tuition and Fees Consultation Committee Ambassador: Play an important role in discussing and providing feedback to MRU in regards to their proposed tuition and fee levels.

 2023-24 Part-Time Staff Roles:

3. Indigenous Ambassador: Represent the interests of Indigenous students at MRU both in relation to MRU's Indigenization goals as well as with SAMRU's provincial and federal advocacy work. 
Will you be an MRU student in September 2023? *
You need to be a registered part-time or full-time student at MRU in order to be considered for these opportunities.
What is your full name *
What is your mtroyal email address *
What is the best phone number to reach you *
Please briefly tell us why you are interested in volunteering for any of these roles *
Are you interested in doing Indigenous student representation and advocacy? *
We ask that to say yes to this question you self-identify as an Indigenous person.
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