Report a Problem with an Electronic Resource
This form will be submitted to librarians at the Graduate Center. Please provide as much information as you can and we will get back to you as soon as possible (generally during business hours).

If you would need immediate help, see ways to contact a librarian here:
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Your name and email address:
(If you would like us to let you know when we have resolved the issue. We will get back to you via email, generally during business hours)
Are you having trouble using your GC login to access resources? [REQUIRED] *
To use the library's electronic resources, you must log in with your GC network username and password. If you have forgotten this information or need assistance with your personal account, contact GC IT Services
What resource(s) were you trying to access?
Please indicate if you were trying to access a database, an e-journal, a specific article, or an e-book. If you’re not sure, feel free to say that too!
Provide the full citation of the item you are having trouble with (if applicable):
Include as much information as you can if you are having trouble with a specific article or book
Provide the web page or URL where you tried to access the item: *
Describe the problem, as completely and specifically as possible [REQUIRED]: *
Where were you working when you encountered this issue? *
Tell us your affiliation [REQUIRED]: *
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