2024 All-Southern Iowa STEM Fest Volunteer Sign-Up
Thanks for your interest in the All-Southern Iowa STEM Festival! The event runs on volunteers, and we're grateful to have you. It's a busy and fun day!

DATE: Saturday, October 5
FEST: 10am - 2pm
AUDIENCE: grades PreK-8
SET-UP: Exhibitor set-up opens at 8am. Please be in place by 9:45.
ADDRESS: Wayne County Fairgrounds Event Center
                    2nd Ave, Corydon, IA 50060

Send any questions to Connie at cmehrhoff@dekabatteries.com

Types of jobs: Help with set-up, running the festival, tear-down. Hand out bags to students or deliver volunteer thank-you gifts to exhibitors. Keep water station filled and organized. Take photos. General help as needed.

If you're a Silver Cord volunteer, please make sure the event is pre-approved and bring the paper to be signed at the close of your volunteer time. 

Send any questions to Connie at cmehrhoff@dekabatteries.com

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What is the timeframe when you can be present? Please choose one slot. 
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