Dealing With Stress
Read over the Mayo Clinic’s tips on Stress Relief using the Four “A’s” and answer the series of questions below. 
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1. Explain how you can use the principles of “Avoid” to help decrease levels of stress. Think about how you can specifically apply these to your life, what are some things that you could potentially “avoid” to lower stress levels?
2. Explain how you can use the principles of “Alter” to help decrease levels of stress. Think about how you can specifically apply these to your life, what are some things that you could potentially “alter” to lower stress levels?
3. Explain how you can use the principles of “Accept” to help decrease levels of stress. Think about how you can specifically apply these to your life, what are some things that you could potentially “accept” to lower stress levels?
4. Explain how you can use the principles of “Adapt” to help decrease levels of stress. Think about how you can specifically apply these to your life, what are some things that you could potentially “adapt” to lower stress levels?
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