2024 Detroit ABOA Membership Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the Detroit Associate Board of Ambassadors. After you've submitted your application, a member of the ABOA Leadership Team will contact you with follow up. This application will take 15-20 minutes to complete. Please allow up to 1 week for a response. Thanks so much, we look forward to connecting with you! Questions? Email Autumn Macey at autumn.macey@cancer.org.
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Name: *
Address: *
Email: *
Mobile Number: *
Where do you work?  *
What is your title?  *
Are you a cancer patient, survivor, or caregiver? *
Date of Birth *
Highest Level of Education Completed
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Do you hold any professional certifications (JD, PhD, MD, CFA, CPA, PMP, etc.)?
How did you hear about the Detroit ABOA? *
Why are you interested in joining the Detroit ABOA? *
We ask every ABOA member to join a sub-committee based on an area of support interest. Which committee would you like to engage with?  *
How can you help the Detroit ABOA make an impact in the fight against cancer? *
We ask that each member of the Detroit Associate Board of Ambassadors targets a fundraising goal of $1,000 for the American Cancer Society through personal network fundraising, securing corporate sponsorships, Detroit Skyline Soiree or other ABOA event ticket sales, or hosting your own fundraising event. Will you commit to setting a $1,000 fundraising goal for yourself?  *
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