Ashley McGirt Booking Request
Thank you for your inquiry regarding booking Ashley McGirt, MSW, LICSW as a speaker at your event.
We look forward to learning more about your event. Please provide the following details  below.

***Please be advised that Ashley is unable to accommodate unpaid request in an effort to stand against the unpaid labor women of color are too often expected to complete.
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Email *
How did you hear about Ashley? *
Name and Title of Person of Contact *
Name of Organization
Organization Website
Organization's status: *
Event date
Event name
Event Description *
Event location
Event Website
Confirmed Speakers *
Expected number of attendees / participants
Is the Event free for attendees?
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If not free, what is the admission price?
Other speakers / invited guests:
Event sponsor(s):
Type of presentation requested:
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Speaking Duration (in minutes) *
Budget for requested speaker / presentation: *
Will you also pay for travel? *
Will you also pay for accommodations? *
Other special requests (check all that apply):
What do you want attendees to get out of your event?
Can contact forms or info sheets be given to attendees?
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Can products be sold at this event?
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Will any media outlets be present? *
Additional comments / info about Event: (Target audience/focus)
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