Goa Flow Art Workshop by Go with the flow
See you at the beach soon! But before we do, here are a few things to know:
  1. We have limited slots based on first come-first serve basis.
  2. Limit at 30 people
  3. Wear comfy beach footwear
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Indemnity Declaration

My dependant and / or I wish to participate in a Goa Flow Art Workshop at the Goa Surf Festival activity as indicated on this registration form. I understand that Surf Schools and workshop providers at the Goa Surf Festival takes all possible care, but will not be held liable for any injury that my dependant or myself may sustain to our person or our property. I acknowledge that this activity is conducted in an environment controlled by natural elements and therefore my dependant and I will abide by all safety instructions. This indemnity form is valid for 6 months.

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