Pupil Feedback.
Please answer these questions about our school.
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What Year are you in? *
I am a ... *
1 Are you proud to be a pupil at Ballasalla School? *
What are you most proud of about our school? *
Do you get to make decisions about what you learn? *
Do you get to make decisions about what how you learn? *
Can you decide? *
Dont know
Who to work with?
Where to work?
How to show your learning?
What your topic is about?
What you want to learn?
How comfortable do you feel to talk about your feelings in school? *
I don't feel comfortable
Very Comfortable
How often do you get the opportunity to talk about your feelings and emotions in school? *
How safe do you feel in school? *
If you were upset about something who would you talk to? *
Do you know how to stay safe in the following places? *
A bit
Not really
Near roads
In school
On the internet
Near water
If there was a fire
Do you do any activities which help you stay healthy? *
If yes, what activities do you do which help you stay healthy
Do you enjoy reading *
How often do you read at home for fun? *
Who is your favourite Author? *
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