2023 ECRs in Sustainability Science 青年學者的永續研究

This webinar is organised by the Early Career Researchers (ECR) working group of Future Earth Taipei (Taiwan) for early career researchers to share their research outcomes in relation to sustainability and climate change.

為提供國內外青年學者一個分享研究成果與跨領域交流的平台,『未來地球台北 - Early Career Researchers 工作小組』自2021年起主辦『青年學者的永續研究』線上短講,不定期邀請青年學者進行中/英文短講,和大家分享與永續及氣候變遷相關的研究或學術活動,歡迎加入我們的交流與討論。

Future Earth Taipei - Early Career Researchers Working Group 未來地球台北 - ECR 工作小組
Coordinator 召集人:Dr. Hsiao-Chun (Jean) TSENG 曾筱君 博士 (hctseng@email.ntou.edu.tw)

Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica 中研院永續科學中心
Contact 聯絡人:Dr. Dolly Chung 鐘鈺鈞 博士 (dolly0105@gate.sinica.edu.tw)

Organizer /
- ECR working group, Future Earth Taipei
- Future Earth Taipei Hub
- Center for Sustainability Science, Academia Sinica

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網頁 ECR website: https://futureearthtaipeiecr.wordpress.com/
推特 Twitter: https://twitter.com/EarthTP_ECR 
臉書 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FutureEarthTPE/
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Dr. Cho-Yin Wu 吳卓穎 - Prediction of soil organic carbon contents in Taiwan agricultural soils by Vis-NIR spectrometry 以可見-近紅外光譜推估台灣農田土壤有機碳含量

Regarding the goal of net-zero of carbon emission, soil is the largest natural sink of carbon in the nature. Thus, a rapid and efficient measurement of soil organic carbon (SOC) is crucial to estimate soil caron sink. The conventional methods of measuring SOC are time-consumption and would generate waste liquids or solids such as wet-oxidation, dry combustion, and TOC analyzers. On the contrary, Vis-NIR is a rapid and non-destructive technique for measuring SOC, which is easy to operate and environmentally friendly for offering effective data. Moreover, with a huge amount of soil samples, the approach of Vis-NIR not only is a global and modern trend for SOC determination, but a powerful potential strategy for evaluating soil carbon stocks. This study measured the SOC content of soil samples from different type of soils throughout Taiwan with the Walkley-Black method and a TOC analyzer as well as their Vis-NIR spectra have been obtained with the well-constructed standard operating procedure. Furthermore, these datasets were successfully applied in the Cubist decision tree for building the machine-learning-base SOC prediction model, which can rapidly and precisely estimate the SOC content in soils from Taiwan. 


Mr. Ernest Habanabakize - Data driven Insights for Sustainable Agriculture: Regenerative Agriculture (RA) in Rwanda

Preliminary field evidence and literature suggest that regenerative agriculture (RA) has a wide range of benefits to people and the planet. But high-quality data and evidence are needed to inform policy and investment frameworks and galvanize support for RA. While many definitions of RA exist in the literature, our approach is based on the 9 principles (practices) of RA established by Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming Programme (APCNF) which represents over one million farmers who shifted away from chemical-based farming practices and transitioned to RA over the last decade. Future Earth is collaborating with multiple partners in Rwanda, Canada, India, and the US on the Data-Driven Insights for Sustainable Agriculture (DISA) project. In this event we will discuss how Future Earth Canada & SDA, through DISA, is working towards building innovative, evidence-based decision-making frameworks that leverage digital technologies, governance, and local knowledge to support transitions away from resource-intensive farming models towards knowledge-intensive, nature-positive, net-zero models that drive economies and the role of partnerships to achieve these objectives.

講    者 Speakers:
Dr. Cho-Yin Wu 吳卓穎 (Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University)
Mr. Ernest Habanabakize (Project Coordinator, Future Earth Canada & Sustainability in the Digital Age (SDA))
主    持 Hosts:
Dr. Chia-Hsing Lee 李家興 (Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Industry, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology 屏東科技大學農園生產系)
Dr. Micheline Ayoub (Director, Future Earth Canada Hub; Executive Director, Sustainability in the Digital Age)
日    期 Date: 6th December 2023
時    間 Time: 20:00 - 21:15 pm (GMT+8)
地    點 Venue: Virtual 線上 (Link will be sent after registration 報名後另外通知視訊連結)
語    言 Language: English 英文

講者資訊 Speaker's Info:

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