23-24 EMHS Activity Booking Form
All events must be schedule no less than 5 working days prior to the event.  Events scheduled after deadline require head principal approval prior to booking.

 Complete the following steps:

1. Look at the Edmond Memorial Calendar to see if the area, day, and time you desire is available for your event.

2. If you are needing to book the auditorium, first contact anthony.risi@edmondschools.net  for approval.

3. If scheduling an event at the track complex, football stadium, gym, or softball field, first contact  kyle.roberts@edmondschools.net for approval.

4. All events scheduled on the weekends, at the track complex, football field, softball field require a Custodial FormThe Custodial Form should be emailed to karen.davis@edmondschool.net   and 705-custodian@edmondschools.net or delivered in person to room 259.

5. Continue below to fill out the Activity Booking Form.

 You will be contacted if your request needs follow up or is not approved. Most requests are approved and appear on the calendar within 2 to 3 business days.

Contact your sponsor or department for guest wifi.

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Email *
Contact Person (First, Last Name) *
Contact Telephone Number *
Activity/Event Name *
Activity Location(s) Be Specific *
Activity Date *
Activity Starting Time *
Activity Ending Time *
Jani King Cleaning End Time (add 1 hour from your Activity End Time) *
Estimated Number of Attendees *
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