WIA: Filipinos For Filipinos VOLUNTEER FORM
Thank you for your interest in joining “Walang Iwanan Alliance (WIA)”, a citizens’ response to the throngs of Filipinos who are facing deepening hunger during the Covid19 pandemic.

Thru your contribution, you will be a part of a network of food collection and distribution to the most vulnerable of communities. We are grateful for any support from individuals, small  groups or organizations -- including your valuable time as a Volunteer. Every contribution, great and small, will help turn the tide and save lives.

We hope to fill in the gaps in hunger hotspots because any feeding effort, even if replicated, will never be sufficient to respond to the daily hunger of the millions in our midst.

In the face of the unprecedented pandemic and a looming hunger crisis, we are called upon, heedless of rank or riches, to put our love into action and provide a measure of hope to our fellow Filipinos.

Thank you and may the Lord bless the Philippines and our collective efforts.
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What's your email address? *
Please make sure that this is accurate, as we will not be able to contact you without it
What's your Full Name? *
First Name + Last Name (example Juan Bayani)
What's your Mobile Number? *
Do you have the following (Pls check all that apply)? *
If you have a Facebook account, what is your FB Name? (If none, pls put NA) *
What Barangay and City do you Reside in? *
AS A VOLUNTEER, pls indicate if you can offer your time in-person or online or both *
AS A VOLUNTEER, pls list your skills that you'd like to share OR the kinds of tasks you'd like to perform (if you're not sure or open to any task that's needed to be done, you can put "any"). *
AS A VOLUNTEER, how much time can you commit every day or every week? Pls also indicate your days/times of availability (eg, any day, 2 hrs, 2-4pm OR Saturdays, 1 hr, anytime). *
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