Teaching Shi'a Islam - Teacher survey 2024
The purpose of this survey is to find out what support teachers would like in teaching Shi'a Islam. The survey is anonymous. The results will be used to inform the potential creation of new resources for teachers.
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Your teaching phase *
Choose all that apply
Which topics do you currently teach about Shi'a Islam? How confident are you in teaching them? *
Very confident
Not confident
I don't teach this
The Imamate
The Sunni/Shi'a split
Interpretation e.g. Qur'an
5 roots of Usul ad Din
10 Obligatory Acts
Leadership today
Diversity within Shi'a Islam
Living as a Shi'a Muslim today
Eid Al-Ghadeer
Ahl ul Bayt (Prophet's family)
What would be the top THREE topics that you would like to have new resources for?
Please only choose three options
What type of resources would help you in teaching Shi'a Islam?
Choose all that apply
What stage would you like the resources to be appropriate for?
Choose all that apply
If you were to be able to have a Shi'a Muslim visit your school, what sort of topics would you like them to speak about?
Is there anything else, not mentioned already, that would help in your teaching of Shi'a Islam? *
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