Southwest Ohio Democratic Alliance (SODA)

Welcome to the Southwest Ohio Democratic Alliance (SODA)!

Our mission is to empower Democratic campaign staff in Greater Cincinnati and the surrounding areas by providing a platform for collaboration, training, and ongoing support through the election cycle and beyond. As a pre-competitive organization, we are open to all staff working on Democratic campaigns. We are committed to maintaining a neutral stance on candidates while focusing on supporting the staff.

At SODA, we believe in the power of unity and collaboration. Our goal is to create a thriving community where campaign staff can share best practices, learn from each other's experiences, and develop the skills necessary to propel Democratic campaigns to success. We will offer a range of training programs and support services tailored to the needs of our members, from seasoned veterans to newcomers in the world of political campaigns.

Please take time to fill out this form. Your responses will inform how we structure SODA to best fit your needs. All responses will be kept confidential.

Join us in our mission to strengthen the Democratic presence in Southwest Ohio and help build a brighter future for our region and our nation. Together, we can make a difference!

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