Pre-registration AWS Community Day NL 2024
Please pre-register for AWS Community Day NL 2024, October 3, 2024, 09:00-17:00, The Hague Area. After we confirmed sponsors, speakers and the event location we know how many seats are available and start sending invites. Please cancel your pre-registration in case you know you won't be able to attend.

If you pre-registered before August, you have received an invite to register. People who pre-registered in august or later, are added to the Wait List. 
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Email *
Full Name *
Company URL
Role *
Interests *
Interested Tech Topics *
Please select your top 3 topics you would like to hear about at AWS Community Day.
Agreement *
This is just a pre-registration. You will receive a copy of your pre-registration. Closer to the event, when we know how many seats are available, we start to invite community members. Please update your pre-registration in case you decide not to attend. Your pre-registration and invite is personal and cannot be transferred to anyone else.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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