These are The Top 5 Small Business Grants For New LLC Reviews
Here is a 150-word summary of the video, written from the perspective of Houston McMiller, Credit Specialist, with the tone of Bev O'Shea:

As a credit specialist, I don't often talk about small business grants, but I wanted to share a few that may be helpful for you all. First up, the National Association for Self-Employed offers grants of up to $4,000 for equipment purchases.

Next, the Verizon Small Business Recovery Fund provides grants of up to $6,000, particularly for businesses in underserved communities impacted by the pandemic.

The STEP program reimburses expenses for export-related activities. And the Economic Development Program for Entrepreneurs offers both educational resources and capital to help new businesses get off the ground.

While grants can be tricky to navigate, with all the documentation required, they can be worthwhile if you qualify. I'd encourage you to check out Soapbox Design's YouTube channel, as she's been discussing small business grants in more detail.

Let me know if you have any other questions about business or personal credit funding!

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These are The Top 5 Small Business Grants For New LLC Reviews
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