Please fill out this form to notify directors of absences.
Excused absences include death in the family, severe illness, emergency, person health with a doctors note, major life events.
Unexcused absences include doctor appointments, stomach aches, birthday or birthday parties, family trips, work, homework, tutorials, lack of transportation, babysitting, involvement in non-school organizations, attending concerts, etc.
It is vital for students to be present. If a student is to miss more than one rehearsal for an illness, a doctors note should be present.
Per the handbook, a student missing a rehearsal due to an unexcused absence can result in:
-Loss of spot
-Being removed form the extra curricular portion of the class
-Change of ensemble
-Removal form the program
Per the handbook, a student missing a performance due to an unexcused absence can result in:
-Parent meeting with Mr. Day
-Lose placement in ensemble
-May result in removal form the Burleson HS Band
The only person that can approve an absence for marching band is Mr. Day.