Library Materials Request
Want some new books or movies from the library, but don't know what you want? Fill in the info below and our expert staff will find materials for you! When we have your items ready, we will contact you to setup curbside pickup, 24x7 holds locker pickup, or home delivery.

Any questions? Call 937-382-2417
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First and Last Name
Library card number (found on the back of your card)
Phone Number or Email address so we can contact your when your items are ready for pickup.
What type of materials would you like? (select all that apply)
Please describe what you would like, specific titles, subjects, genres (mystery, romance, fantasy etc.), or things you've liked in the past. Please Be as specific as possible. If you are requesting more than one type of material, please add information for each type.
Do you have any favorite authors?
Is there anything you DON'T want?
How many items would you like? Please list by material type. (Current limits: Movies max of 15, CDs and audiobooks max of 10 each)
From which Library would you like to pickup your materials?
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Anything else you would like for us to know?
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