LPF National Board Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in joining the Leveling the Playing Field National Board of Directors - we appreciate it & are eager to learn more about you!
Please complete the following questions to give us a better sense of your background and interest in LPF's mission. Qualified candidates will be contacted and invited to formally apply based upon board vacancies & needed skills.

QUESTIONS? Please contact Board Chair Tracy Scarrow at tracy@levelingtheplayingfield.org
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Preferred E-mail: *
Where are you located? *
Current Job Title: *
Current Employer: *
Have you served on a board before? *
How did you hear about LPF? *
Please briefly share why you are interested in joining the LPF Board: *
OPTIONAL: Please upload your Resume/CV:
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OPTIONAL: Please provide a link your LinkedIn profile:
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