College Access for All: Middle School 2018-2019 Registration
Dear Principals,

We are excited to announce the College Access for All: Middle School Initiative community school districts for year 3!

In 2015, Mayor DeBlasio, in collaboration with the Chancellor's Office, gave the call to action-- By 2026, 80% of our students will graduate high school on time, and two-thirds of our students will be college ready. As part of this plan, College Access for All – Middle School, ensures that every middle school student will be exposed to a college-going culture and will have the opportunity to visit a college campus at least once in grades 6-8.

For school year 2018-2019 we will be citywide and working with all middle schools.  We are expecting 100% participation from ALL schools with a 7th grade population.

How will this work next year?
 - Funding will go directly to schools through a SAM.
 - Services will focus on 7th grade students.
 - DOE central will provide professional development for school and vendor staff about early college awareness.
Next Steps: Please complete this Google Form by May 30 to identify your school based team who will support the program.

If you have any questions, please contact me for further details.


Raana Kashi, LMSW
Program Manager
Office of Equity and Access - College Access for All: Middle School Initiative
Division of the Senior Deputy Chancellor & School Support
NYC Department of Education
Phone: 212-374-0207

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1. School DBN (ATS System Code) - example 06M210 *
2. School Name *
3. School Address *
4. Principal Name *
5. Principal Email *
6. School Phone Number *
7.I look forward to having my school participate in the program. *
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