NYSPRA Communicator of the Year
Nominations for the Communicator of the Year Award may be made by anyone. An individual may submit more than one nomination; however each nomination must include its own, individual set of nomination materials and nomination form.

To nominate someone:

1. Submit application using the Official Nomination Form.

2. Write a narrative, no longer than 800 words, outlining how the person or organization has met the award’s criteria.

3. The submission may also include up to 10 pages of supporting documentation including, but not limited to, data demonstrating the nominee’s effectiveness in meeting the award criteria, samples of the nominee’s communications work, measures of effectiveness, and letters of support.

4. Supplemental nomination materials should be sent to NYSPRA at nyspra@nyspra.org on or before Friday, August 16, 2022. There is no fee to nominate for the Communicator of the Year.

5. Each nomination will be confirmed by a personal response via email. Please resend materials if you do not receive a reply acknowledging receipt.
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Name and Title of Nominee *
Employer of Nominee *
Address of Nominee *
City/State of Nominee
Zip code of Nominee
Phone number of Nominee *
Email of Nominee *
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