Adult Study at Sixth Presbyterian Church 

We are planning and gathering information about Adult Christian Education offerings at Sixth and we need your help! We'd love to know what you've enjoyed and participated in and what you would like to see in the future. If you don't currently attend Sunday School, what might interest you? Thank you for taking a minute for this quick  survey. You are also welcome to email us at directly with any questions or suggestions. 

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Do you currently or have you attended an Adult Study offering in the last year?

Let us know what you have participated in previously

What types of content do you prefer?

What have you enjoyed participating in over the last few years? Which have been meaningful, thoughtful, or engaging?
What topics, themes or subjests would you like to learn about? What are you curious about?
When would you be most likely to participate in an Adult education offering?
If you checked "Other" on the previous question please indicate below other suggestions for times/days. 
How would you prefer to attend Adult Educational offerings? 
Do you need child care during Adult Study offerings?
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What at-home rescources have you used?
If there thing else you would like us to know?
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