Dartmouth Economics Research Scholar Application 2020
We invite members of the Dartmouth Class of 2022 to apply to become a Dartmouth Economics Research Scholar (DERS).  

This DERS program provides additional mentoring and support in economics research to students with strong research potential and high academic standing.  Additional advising and out-of-class enrichment activities -- dinner discussions, workshops, and peer exchanges -- accelerate and enhance the DERS' coursework and enable closer participation with faculty on research projects.  Such participation begins with paid assistantships on faculty projects, but often evolves into research collaborations with faculty and independent student projects, including senior theses. The program also aims to prepare interested students for graduate studies in economics and related fields.  

If you are a Dartmouth `22 interested in applying, please fill out the form below by 8 PM ON FEBRUARY 7, 2020.  Decisions will be announced by the end of February.  We anticipate having space for about 15 students.  

Please direct any questions about the program or this application to DERS director, Professor Elizabeth Cascio, at elizabeth.u.cascio@dartmouth.edu.
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First name *
Last name *
Dartmouth ID *
Class year *
Major *
Overall GPA *
Econ GPA *
Provide your GPA for Economics courses only taken at Dartmouth, including Econ 1 and 10, if applicable, but not 10s outside department.
Economics credits *
Provide the number of credits (one course = one credit) for Economics courses taken at Dartmouth as well as AP and courses taken at other institutions. Include Econ 1 and 10 prerequisites but not Math 3.
Dartmouth Economics courses *
List the Dartmouth Economics courses you have completed.  Enter the course numbers only separated by commas, no spaces. Enter Economics 1 as 01 and Economics 2 as 02. For example, if you have taken Economics 1, Economics 10, and Economics 21, enter 01,10,21.
Grades for those Dartmouth Economics courses *
Enter the letter grade in order for each one, separated by commas, no spaces. Include pluses or minuses as in A,B+,B-, etc.
Dartmouth Math courses *
List the Dartmouth Math courses you have completed.  Enter the course numbers only separated by commas, no spaces. Enter Math 3 as 03 and Math 8 as 08. For example, if you have taken Math 8 and 21, enter 08,21.
Grades for those Dartmouth Math courses *
Enter the letter grade in order for each one, separated by commas, no spaces. Include pluses or minuses as in A,B+,B-, etc.
Dartmouth Computer Science courses *
List the Dartmouth Computer Science courses you have completed.  Enter the course numbers only separated by commas, no spaces. Enter Computer Science 1 as 01 and Computer Science 3 as 03. For example, if you have taken Computer Science 1 and 25, enter 01,25.
Grades for those Dartmouth Computer Science courses *
(Enter the letter grade in order for each one, separated by commas, no spaces. Include pluses or minuses as in A,B+,B-, etc.)
Other courses
Provide courses from other departments you think might enhance your Economics studies or research. For each one, enter course number and title, for example PSY 25: Decision Theory.
List the Dartmouth classes in which you earned a citation, if any. List the subject and course number for each, separated by commas, no spaces. For example, if you earned citations in Economics 1 and Math 21, write Econ1,Math21.
Research experience
Comment on any research experience you have been involved with.  Provide faculty names and programs, if relevant.  This may include research done as part of an intership outside of Dartmouth.  No need for complete sentences.  Limit your response to 30 words or fewer.
Research goals *
Briefly outline your goals for your participation in the program.  This might include possible research as an assistant on a faculty project, work with faculty on your own independent project, and/or completion of a senior thesis. No need for complete sentences.  Limit your response to 30 words or fewer.
After Dartmouth *
Briefly state your career goals, at least as you see them now.  This might consist of investment banking, consulting, work in a research position, or graduate studies in some subject.  No need for complete sentences.  Limit your response to 20 words or fewer
Best experience
Briefly describe your most rewarding experience related to our subject.  This can be something either inside or outside the Economics Department.  No need for complete sentences.  Limit your response to 30 words or fewer.
Additional information
Provide any additional information that might be helpful to evaluators not addressed in the above questions.  Limit response to 30 words or fewer
Faculty endorsement
Enter the (last) name of an Economics Department faculty member who would be willing to provide an endorsement in support of your selection.  We recommend checking with him or her before you provide the name.
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