Your Heart Journey
We know that every family that comes through the Heart Centre for Children has a special story to tell.  We also know that hearing about what others have been through can be a huge help to some patients and families, so we would like to publish some of those stories on our website.  Please tell us a little bit about your journey with heart disease and help us to help others.

Note that we will never publish anything without checking with you first.  If you have any questions whatsoever or would like to tell your story in a different format (written, a phone or face-to-face interview, a video or cartoon, or any other way) please call the Heart Centre Manager, Kylie, on (02) 9845 2326 or email us at
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What is your name?
What is your child's name?
How old is your child now?
Please tell us a bit about yourself, your child and your family
Please tell us about your journey with heart disease
Including how you found out about your child's heart disease, the treatment that he/she underwent and any other aspects of the journey that were important
What has been the most challenging part of your journey?
What has brought you hope or comfort?
Is there any advice you'd like to share with other families?
Anything else you'd like to add
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