DSMLP Independent Study & Student Research Access Request

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Logos of various technologies offered through DSMLP: Kubernetes, Docker, Nvidia CUDA, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Torch, Jupyter
UC San Diego's Data Science / Machine Learning Platform (DSMLP), a service of IT Services/Educational Technology Services (ITS/ETS), provides students access to GPU, CPU, and storage resources supporting coursework, for-credit independent study/research, and certain departmentally-sponsored student projects.

More information about DSMLP, including eligibility information, is available at: https://blink.ucsd.edu/faculty/instruction/tech-guide/dsmlp/

This form is intended for UC San Diego students participating in:

- Designated independent study/research courses (for example, 198/199, 293/298/299)

- State-supported capstone projects (excludes MAS programs)

- Certain departmentally-sponsored projects (e.g. Halıcıoğlu Data Science Undergraduate Fellowships)

- Non-instructional activities (e.g. personal projects, clubs, teams), approved on a case-by-case basis.

If you are an instructor and would like to request DSMLP resources for regularly scheduled instruction or coursework, please fill out the Specialized Instructional Computing Course Request for "Datahub/DSMLP".

Please be aware that a basic understanding of ssh/Linux is necessary to use the dsmlp-login.ucsd.edu node. With this in mind, it is important to note that custom code can only be executed within the provisioned environments using our 'launch.sh' script. For further clarification, please refer to this knowledge base article.

(This form is available at the short URL:  https://go.ucsd.edu/2wc5gH0)  
Your First and Last Name *
Your Student Level at UC San Diego *
Registration status *
Project Sponsorship
Please indicate the department and independent-study course number (e.g. "CSE 293",  "HDSI Undergrad Capstone") associated with your request, or if none is applicable, use this space to describe briefly your extracurricular project, team, or club.
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