Please provide a means of contacting you, if you would be open to follow up communications about this incident (not required)
Do you live in Boulder County? *
Race, Ethnicity, National Origin *
Do you regularly wear a protective mask or other facial protection when you leave your home or are in public *
How comfortable are you wearing a protective mask in your community based on how you feel you may be treated 5 *
Your answer
If you are still visiting grocery stores, are you using facial coverings while in the store *
Are you being treated differently by people in these stores (not required)
Clear selection
Are there any stores in your area that are treating people badly? Please specify the name and location (such as Bob's Burgers at 47th and Iris) (not required)
Your answer
Have you experienced any microagressions since the pandemic began (please check all that apply) (not required)
Location of incident of harassment or discrimination (please be specific, such as at business _____ in Boulder at 28th and ____, or at the park at 13th and Arapahoe in Boulder) *
Your answer
Date and time of incident (approximate is okay) *
Your answer
Were you wearing a protective mask or other facial covering when this incident occurred *
If this incident occurred at a business, where specifically in the business did it occur (for example, at the checkout stand, or in the hardware department) (not required)
Your answer
Did this incident involve harassment or discrimination by an employee? *
If it was an employee, please provide a job description or title (for example, manager, waiter, clerk) (not required)
Your answer
Please describe the incident *
Your answer
If you would like to, please provide a brief statement as to how the incident could have been handled differently to attain a better outcome (not required)