We have been asked by members to collect comments from supporters and to ensure these are relayed to the club regarding their views on Mason Greenwood. We are happy to do this as it is a key role for MUST to consult supporters and represent their views to club management so we have created this dedicated form to serve that purpose.
All comments submitted will be passed on to the club but we will strip off name, email and membership details before sharing the anonymised document so you will only be identifiable if you choose to include such information within your comment.
Note we may also publish anonymised comments.
We understand an announcement from the club is due fairly soon but we will continue to collect responses and pass these on for a period following any announcement as we know many supporters will (also) want to comment once they know the outcome of the investigation and the club decision.
[Note we ask for Email, Name and Membership Number simply to ensure comments are coming from genuine supporters and reduce spamming of the system. Such info is not passed on or published. If you do not have a MUST membership number you can register as a free Lite Member here. If you prefer not to submit your views via MUST you can do this directly to the club by email to feedback@manutd.co.uk or via the Fans Forum here]