Baptism Inquiry
Please fill out the following information.
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Name of Person to be Baptized  (First, middle, last) *
Pronouns of person being baptized 
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Date of Birth of person to be Baptized  *
Requested Date of Baptism  *
Worship Service Baptism will Take Place In *
Parent 1 Name: *
Parent 2 Name:
Parent 3 Name:
Parent 4 Name:
Godparent 1:
Godparent 2:
Contact information (name) *
Contact (email) *
Contact (mobile) *
Is English your first language?
If you speak another language, would you like the opportunity to offer prayers in the language most comfortable to you and those you gather to celebrate with you?
Tell us about your church or denominational background if you are not a member of FCC. This helps us prepare a baptismal ceremony that will respect and honor the background you bring.
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