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Exit Survey for Library Instructional Sessions
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This exit survey has three (3) questions and its goal is to assess this instructional session. It should take 2-3 minutes to complete.
Your participation is anonymous and voluntary; you may decline to answer questions or stop your participation at any time.
If you are below 18 years of age, please do NOT take this survey.
For this class, I am a student at:
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Course #
Your answer
Course Instructor
Your answer
Librarian(s) for this instructional session:
Patricia Fiorillo
Ken Frankel
Jerrel Horn
Larry Mello
Tom O'Brien
Lauri Rebar
1. I learned these things in this session:
Your answer
2. I still don't understand these things about the library:
Your answer
3. I would change this about the session:
Your answer
Your answer
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