Beautycounter Skincare Consultation
This is the best and easiest way to nail down the products or regimen your skin needs to look and feel its best! By answering this short set of questions, I can customize some simple recommendations based on any issues you might be having. So excited to get you started!
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Email *
Please indicate your name *
What would you consider your skin type to be? *
Do you have any of the following skin concerns? Check as many as apply: *
If you had a reaction to skin care products before, please tell me more about what products and what symptoms you exhibited. Please also list any known ingredient allergies:
What does your current skincare routine consist of? (Please list when you use them, i.e. morning or night, the order of application, and the brand name)
Do you have a budget in mind? If so, what range would you like to stay in to get started? (I will provide you with a few different options that will allow you to pick and choose products to stay within budget!)
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Are you interested in hearing about our cosmetic line and recommendations on product?
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If yes to above, please tell me a little bit about which products you currently use and would be interested in replacing with safer options:
Please list any concerns or questions you may have here! I am happy to lend as much support as I can, and helping you find the perfect products for you is my passion!
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