Emma Kesler, CDBC, CPDT-KA Client Application
Before you apply, PLEASE review the following:

1- Review your program's page on the website carefully before applying. Program pricing and formats are listed on the website.

2 - ****IMPORTANT!!!***** The initial intake meeting is 1.5 hours long and is conducted just us people over ZoomAfter that for the Coached Sessions, you will need to be available via Zoom with your dog for 45 minutes once a week for a period of four weeks, on the same day at the same time each week. This day will be a weekday during business hours Pacific time. Pacific time morning spots are always in very high demand and consistently book well ahead of time. If you will not be able to meet at a set weekday/time in the next 3 months, and/or if your scheduling wants or needs are specific, PLEASE be clear and concise in your application! Please review your personal calendar carefully to provide accurate information as this will help you immensely moving forward.

3 - These programs are not compatible with invisible fences. If you are currently using or plan to use this tool, please note so on your application and note whether you are open to change
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Email *
Today's Date *
Your Full Name *
Cell Phone Number *
Address: Street *
Address: City *
Address: State / Province *
Address: ZIP / Postal Code *
Address: Country *
What time zone are you in? (Example: CST, PST) *
Which service/program(s) are you inquiring about? *
Family Members *
Please describe each family member's relation and children's ages
If you live with a partner or spouse, provide their full name, email address (please do not put your own email address here) *
Current other pets
Please list and describe your other current pets. Age, species, breed. Please be detailed in your answer.
Do you use an iPad or iPhone? *
(It is ok if you do not)
Dog's Name *
Dog's Breed *
Dog's Date of Birth *
Dog's Current Age *
How old was your dog when you got him/her? Provide any other details you are aware of about your dog's life prior to coming home with you. If you haven't gotten your dog yet, please just provide any relevant information about when you might be bringing the dog home, how old they will be, etc. *
Where did you get your dog? Please be specific. This is for your file alone, the breeder / rescue group will not be contacted. *
Did you grow up with dogs? If yes, tell me about them. Breed, temperament, etc. *
Have you owned dogs as an adult? If yes, please tell me about them. Breed, temperament, etc. *
Please check all that apply (SKIP if you don't have the puppy or dog yet): *
Has your puppy or dog ever snapped at someone, or bitten? Please be detailed. No judgement! *
Is your dog spayed/neutered? If so, at what age was your dog spayed/neutered? *
What type of food does your dog eat (or what are you planning on feeding your new dog?) *
Do you have a yard? *
*** Please note: It is perfectly ok if you don't have a yard!
How often is or will your puppy/dog be left alone at home? PLEASE read through the following options and be as accurate as possible. *
****IMPORTANT: Applications without a clear answer to the following will NOT be considered.****

When are you not available over the next 3 months? Please provide dates for any upcoming blocks of unavailability such as trip or work plans.

Are there days of the week OR times of day that will not work for you for the weekly 45-minute Zoom meetings?

Please note if you have any very strong scheduling preferences, such as time of day or day of the week.
How did you hear about this service? *
Please describe any previous training history and/or methods: *
How motivated are you to learn a new way of training? *
Not Very Motivated
Very motivated
Please summarize your concerns and/or goals, any previous training or history of note, and explain why you feel you would be a good candidate to work with Emma Kesler, CDBC, CDPT-KA. 

Spots are limited, please be detailed:
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