Welcome to the CRM Quiz
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1. How many full-time employees do you have?
2. How many employees will need access to your CRM?
Which departments will need access? (Choose all that apply.)
How many contacts are in your database?
How many emails will you send per month?
How long have you used a CRM?
Do you need your CRM to generate quotes and/or proposals?
Do you need your CRM to generate quotes and/or proposals?
How often do you send an email broadcast and/or newsletter?
Do you leverage direct mail for marketing, sales, and/or customer retention?
Will you be granting access to premium content such as reports, videos, MP3s, etc?
How important is mobile access?
How important is sales automation?
How important is marketing automation?
How do you drive traffic to your website or place of business?
What is your average sales cycle?
What is the size of your average sale?
What is the lifetime value of a customer?
If this system helped you finally get home for dinner on time, get back to the gym, and make money while you sleep, how much could you comfortably invest in a system like this per year?
What are you drinking this weekend?
How important are these features in your CRM/business software? *
1 = Very dissatisfied   5 = Very satisfied
Meeting Scheduler
Gmail Integration
Outlook Integration
Landing Page Builder
Smart/Dynamic Content
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Any additional comments or questions for Wes?
Name (optional)
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