Vendor Application
The goal of Gallery 132, located at 251 Front St, Ste 8, Monument, CO, is to highlight, promote and sell the professional works of local artisans in the Tri-Lakes and surrounding area. Secondarily, it is a place to attend classes taught by local artisans to increase knowledge and skills of various artistic mediums.

Eligibility for becoming an Artisan Vendor will be based on the uniqueness and quality of your craft, price points, your personality and ability to participate in the success of the gallery. While Gallery 132 wants to encourage every artisan, the vendor must demonstrate a passion, focus and consistency in their craft.

Please review the below initial criteria prior to applying:
1. Your art or fine craft is unique and of high quality.
2. Your product is 100% hand-crafted, meaning no mass-marketed or resale items.
3. You live in Colorado the all or the majority of the year.  

If you meet the criteria above, please fill out the remainder of this form and submit. Once submitted, also send at least three (3) high-quality images, 600 dpi or greater, to  
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Email *
Date *
Name of Artisan *
Phone Number *
Address of Artisan *
Name of Business
Business License #:
Web site URL:
Description of your craft: *
Are you currently represented in any store-front or gallery in the Tri-Lakes area? *
If yes, what is the name of the location(s)?
Are there any classes you can teach related to your skill? *
If yes, what would they be?
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