Durham Artist Relief Fund
If you are an artist, living in Durham, in need of support due to cancellations from the coronavirus outbreak, please fill out this form.

We are currently distributing funding for people working in performing and visual arts.
We are not currently distributing funding for people working in healing arts or cosmetic arts.
This may change as more funding becomes available, but this is the lens we are applying for now.

A few important notes:

1. Our goal is to make disbursements once per month depending on funds received.

2. If you don't fill out the application fully, your application may be rejected. We will email you to let you know (if you provided an email address) so you can send in a full application. If you applied, were approved, and don't get assistance that day or the day after, please be patient - it just means we're still working on it.

3. We are not awarding money based on “merit” i.e. our opinions of an applicants’ work but rather on my based on need with priority given to to BIPOC artists, transgender & nonbinary artists, and disabled artists (note: we will try to help as many artists with need in Durham as we can).

4. We want to help as many people as possible, this means that we will likely be unable to provide the full amount of larger requests. The amount we can provide is based on our donations received, the amount of requests we have, and the requests we project will come in the near future.

Thank you for being you.

If you can think of other ways that the community can support you, please be sure to include this in the final section of the form.
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First and Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone # *
Please list your PayPal or Mailing Address for a Check:
These are currently the 3 methods we have available for distributing funds.
Please list your website and/or social media handles below:
How do you Identify?  NOTE: Priority will given to to BIPOC artists, transgender & nonbinary artists, and disabled artists - but we will try to help as many artists with need in Durham as we can.
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Are you an artist living in Durham? *
What discipline do you practice? *
Have any of your events been canceled due to the outbreak of COVID-19 also known as Corona Virus? (NOTE: If you had to cancel your gig because you are disabled/immunocompromised, please also mark 'yes' your gig was canceled and specify in your event description below.) *
Do you need help covering expenses that you would have been able to cover if your events weren't canceled due to COVID-19? *
Please describe the event(s) that canceled. Be sure to include the DATE(s) and LOCATION(s) as well as the AMOUNT(s) you were to be compensated for the event(s).
Please provide the NAME(s) and CONTACT information for the person(s) who booked you and/or would have been responsible for paying you for the event(s) that cancelled.
What is the minimum amount of money you need right now to cover your immediate expenses?
Are there any additional ways that NorthStar or the Durham community could support you at this moment?
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