SIAC Race Result Submission Form
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Name *
Gender *
Age *
Event Name *
Race City and State *
Event Date *
Event Distance *
Please enter distance where M is miles, k is kilometers, and m is meters (eg. 10k, 26.2M, 800m) - This is CASE SENSITIVE. If the race does not have a traditional distance (eg. stair race), you can enter 0k (or height of building in km). For multiple discipline sport like tri's, enter the total distance (eg 140.6M for Ironman). If event is scored by distance, enter distance completed here.
Type of Race *
Please enter distance where M is miles, k is kilometers, and m is meters (eg. 10k, 26.2M, 800m) - This is CASE SENSITIVE. If the race does not have a traditional distance (eg. stair race), you can enter 0k (or height of building in km). For multiple discipline sport like tri's, enter the total distance (eg 140.6M for Ironman). If event is scored by distance, enter distance completed here.
Race scoring *
Net Time *
Overall Place
Gender Place
Age Place
Race Results Link
Some examples includes: Was this a PR? Was this your first time competing at this distance? Age group record at the event? Take home a cool prize? Feel free to include anything you want to share about your event!
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