Compensation in Canadian Tech - 2024
Thanks for helping with our first annual Give & Receive Salary Survey. 

Why are we asking? For years we've been sharing Salary Snapshots with insights from our leadership recruiting for start-ups and scale-ups (check it out here.With the insights from our broader community,  we can offer rich and highly relevant data to help founders, investors and leaders make smart plans and decisions as they grow their companies and careers.

Here's how it works: 
  • You answer honestly. We share the anonymous & aggregated results with you. 
  • The survey should take no more than 2 minutes (maybe even faster if you're highly caffeinated).
  • No emails or names will be collected in this survey. You'll have the option to sign up for updates on a separate form at the end to protect the anonymity of your responses. 
Let's get started!!
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