Parking Permit Application 2024-2025 CTEC
  Canyons Technical Education Center  CTEC

I understand that parking my vehicle at CTEC is a privilege which can be revoked if I disobey school, local, municipal, and/or state laws.  To retain and maintain my parking privileges I specifically understand:

Only students with a valid driver’s license are eligible to receive a parking permit.  A student may receive one parking permit for his/her personal use.  Students may not receive a parking permit in behalf of another student.
While parked at CTEC, the parking sticker must be displayed on the driver’s side windshield.  If not, a parking citation will be issued.
All vehicles must be properly registered and maintained at all times in accordance with local and state laws.
Student parking areas are on the west and north side of the school only. Students may not park in stalls marked that are reserved or between buildings 1&2. Students may park in the East side stalls between buildings 1&2.
A parking permit does not guarantee a parking stall.  The permit does allow a student to legally park in available designated areas on campus.  Violation of this parking contract will result in one of two consequences:  1) a parking citation; or 2) the vehicle may be booted or towed and impounded at the owner’s expense.
School officials have jurisdiction over any vehicle parked on school property, including the right to search a vehicle and the right (within state and federal laws) to seize illegal or inappropriate items found in any vehicle.
It is illegal for any vehicle to contain illicit drugs, vaping items, stolen property, etc. while parked on school property or at a school related activity.  Never, under any circumstances, should any type of weapon be in a vehicle while parked at CTEC or at a school related activity.  A person who violates this district policy maybe be expelled from school for 180 days.
THIS CONTRACT SERVES AS THE FIRST AND ONLY WARNING A STUDENT WILL RECEIVE FOR PARKING VIOLATIONS.  For each offense, any student parking in a faculty, visitor, or handicap stall, or in a red zone , is subject to a school or municipal citation.
For emergencies or other mitigation circumstances see CTEC Main Office for a temporary parking permit.

DISCLAIMER:  Neither the Canyons School District nor the Board of Education assumes any responsibility for theft, lost items, vandalism, accidents, personal or property damage while the permit vehicle is on or driven on CTEC property.

There is no charge for the parking permit.
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Have you read the CTEC parking regulations?   *
First Name *
Last Name *
Student # *
 High School *
CTEC Program *
Are you an AM or PM student? *
Do you have a parking permit from last year or last semester? *
If you do have a parking permit was is the number? *
Car Make *
Car Model *
Car Color *
License Plate # *
Owner's Name *
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