Gem loan application
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Email *
Lead User's Name *
Institution, City, State, Country *
What is the minimum number of Gems that you could use? *
What is the maximum number of Gems that you could use? *
What is the earliest date you can receive the Gems? *
What is the latest date you can receive the Gems? *
What is the earliest date you can return the Gems? *
What is the latest date you can return the Gems? *
In addition to the above constraints, what is the minimum number of days you need the Gems in your possession?
In addition to the above constraints, what is the maximum number of days you need the Gems in your possession?
Is your work funded by the US National Science Foundation? If yes, please enter the program and award number in the "Other" field. If not, is a PI on your project eligible for NSF grants? (An answer of "no" does not disqualify the application.)
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Please describe the research question this infrasound project addresses, the methods you will use to address it, and the scientific importance of the research question.
Please briefly describe any broader impacts (as defined by US National Science Foundation) that this infrasound project will support. Common examples may include supporting papers/theses led by students, early-career scientists, or demographics under-represented in STEM, mitigating natural hazards, or improving national security. *
Will the Gems be subjected to natural or anthropogenic hazards that could result in damage or loss? If yes, please describe the hazards and steps you will take to mitigate them. *
If instruments are lost in your project, do you have funds available to contribute to the $1350 replacement cost? (An answer of "No" does not disqualify your application.) *
In order to give back to the infrasound community, users are expected to upload waveform data to IRIS-DMC (i.e., not just your own institution's data repository). Additionally, users will be asked to provide information about the instruments' performance, and may be asked to provide data to instrument pool staff to help with debugging. Requesting an exception to these rules, for example because you are recording sensitive data, does not disqualify your application but must be requested here. Do you request an exception to the data-sharing rules? If yes, please explain below.
Applicants must read and agree to policies here: *
What is your mailing address for receiving the Gems?
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